International Music Summer School in Finland

(Former name: International Music Family Camp in Finland)

Please let us introduce to you the International Music Summer School in Finland and the participating teachers from the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory and the Central Music School in St. Petersburg! The International Music Summer School invites Russian-speaking families to study music in 4 groups of children aged from 3 to 15 years. The School welcomes both children who are newcomers to music and children who have already studied music in music schools.

The first International Music Family Camp in Finland was held in 2016. Since then, we have achieved a lot. To mention some figures, 30 concerts in various places in Finland, youth organ concerts, concerts with the students and teachers of the Saint Petersburg State Conservatory and artists of the Mariinsky Theatre and other famous theatres in Saint Petersburg. Our teaching programme includes courses in holistic development, such as drama and visual arts, choir and solfeggio classes, and general instruction in music as well as individual elective courses, e.g., in flute, block-flute, piano, violin, guitar, and vocals. 

The participants of our Music Summer School are children and their parents from various countries (Finland, Sweden, France, Russia, Germany, Latvia, Norway, United Arab Emirates, USA). In the winter, they study at home, but, in the summer, they gather together in Finland to take an intensive course in music taught by Russian music masters, to meet people with similar outlook on life, and to enjoy a holiday in the beautiful Finnish nature. The children and their parents are devoted to music and appreciate holistic development in music.

Starting in 2020, we have a new status – an INTERNATIONAL MUSIC SUMMER SCHOOL IN FINLAND.

Music is a land of wonders – full of sounds, colours and emotions. We are glad to invite you to enter this land. Please, come and join us at the International Music Summer School in Finland!

The first international music camp for children and their parents was organised in June 2016. Its participants were Russian-speaking children from 3 to 15 years of age.

The first music camp took place in Karjaa which is a small town at the distance of 60 km from Helsinki. The venue was Lärkkulla Folk Academy – an educational institution located in a quiet and peaceful spot amidst nature.

This time the music camp invites children and their parents to participate in one of the four groups that will be formed based on the musical background of the child. Children with no former musical education and children attending music schools are welcome.

All participants will be given diplomas at the end of the camp.

Finland_Camp_Antonen Palvelu

Work in classes

Four groups of children between 3 and 15 years of age will be formed based on the children’s musical background.

  • Choir for younger and older children once a day
  • Acquaintance with notes for the youngest once a day
  • Solfeggio for pupils of music schools once a day
  • Ensemble, solo singing once a day, with a teacher based on agreement
  • Creative workshop once a day
  • Individual classes: recorder (block-flute), piano, violin once a day

*Charge for additional classes not mentioned above will be 20 euro per 20-30 min and 30 euro per 40-50 min.

The teachers in the International Music Camp for Children and Their Parents are some of the best music teachers in Saint-Petersburg. Every year new, impressive names are added to the list of teachers.

  • Choir for younger and older children, solo and ensemble singing: Elena Svetozarova, professor of the Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire, Licentiate of Arts, Choral Director of the Legenda children’s choir, author of several books on the history of Russian Choir Music
Anastasia Zinchenko_Antonen palvelu
  • Recorder and orchestral flute – solo and ensemble (from 3 years onwards): Anastasia Zinchenko, Director of Musical spider webs, a children’s flute ensemble
  • Organ concerts for children: organist Marina Väisä, organist accompanying the choir, organ and harpsicord teacher in the Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire
Alexey Chizhik_ Antonen Palvelu
  • Vibraphone: vibraphonist Alexey Tshizik (the only vibraphone performer playing his instrument with five sticks!), director of the Tshizik-Jazz-Quartet, has a track of cooperation with Placido Domingo, Mikhail Rostropovitsh, Wynton Marsalis, and Maris Jansons.
Guzel Saifutdinova_Antone Palvelu
  • Choir for younger and older children, solo and ensemble singing: choirmaster Guzel Sayfutdinova, teacher in the musical school under the Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire
Anna Rychkova_ AntonenPalvelu
  • Piano: pianist Anna Rytchkova, piano teacher in the Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire
Svetlana Ivanova_Antonen Palvelu
  • Svetlana N. Ivanova, teacher of music theory
  • Creative workshop – idea and initiative, organisation of cultural and educational camps in Finland – Victoria Antonen

The classes focus on arousing an interest and love to music in children, participation in the world of art, and fostering harmonious development of personality.

We wish to introduce to the world of music not only children but also their parents. Together with the children their parents learn to play the block-flute and intervals, get acquainted with music terminology, learn the words of songs, sing and participate in all concerts.

Art classes and creative workshops during the camp are also devoted to music. In the workshop, the children can draw and use their hands to create small cardboard instruments etc., using Emil Finkelstein’s Music Encyclopedia.


Guided tours and excursions are organised for leisure time. Some of the places possibly visited are, e.g., the arts and crafts village of Fiskars and the city of Tammisaari.

Among the most interesting events during the camp are the concerts of the artists of Saint-Petersburg music theatres. The concerts take place in the region’s old churches, where the children have the opportunity to become acquainted with the organ as a music instrument: the structure of the instrument and how to play it. Accompanied by the organ, the children’s choir will ‘sing a well-known Finnish choral Suojeluenkeli (The Guardian Angel).


In the summer of 2016, the camp’s first year, families from Riga, Istanbul, Saint-Petersburg, Hamina, Espoo, Hyvinkää, and Raasepori participated in it — united by the love of music!


To participate in the camp, send your email order to, stating the number of children and adults participating and the ages of the children.

During the camp, individual recorder (block-flute) classes are provided, the cost of which is included in the price of the camp. Since recorders may be of various quality, we recommend that you order a recorder separately (25 euro per piece). Please do it before the camp begins!

Welcome to the International Music Summer School in Finland!

Organizer in Finland:

ANTONEN PALVELU TMI —  organiser of cultural projects in Finland. Antonen Palvelu Tmi is registered in the Finnish register of VAT and in its operations follows legislation and rules currently in force in Finland.

Y-tunnus: 2680752-3
Puistokatu 8 A 4 10300 Raasepori FINLAND
Тel: +358 (0)44 0588703